2025 | 2024| 2023| 2022| 2021| 2019| 2017| 2016| 2015| 2014| 2013| 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1996
*Undergraduate Student advised by Raja
- R. Khatchadourian, T. Castro Velez, M. Bagherzadeh, , and A. Raja. Safe automated refactoring for efficient migration of imperative Deep Learning programs to graph execution. In Proceedings of International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering, FSE ’25. ACM, ACM, June 2025.
- M. A. Loodaricheh, N. Majmudar, A. Raja, and A. Salleb-Aouissi, “Handling Uncertainty in Health Data using Generative Algorithms,” To Appear in Proceedings of the Workshop on Large Language Models and Generative AI for Health at AAAI 2025, March 2025, Philadelphia
- Y. C. Lin, D. Mallia, A. O. Clark-Sevilla, A. Catto, A. Leshchenko*, Q. Yan, D. M. Haas, R. Wapner, I. Pe’er, A. Raja, A. Salleb-Aouissi. “A comprehensive and bias-free machine learning approach for risk prediction of preeclampsia with severe features in a nulliparous study cohort. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 24, 853 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-024-06988-w
- J. Clayton, S. Ahearn, F. Lotfi-Jam, A. Raja, C. Fisher, A. Townsend, W. Ju, et al. 2024. “Developing a Digital Twin for Climate Adaptation.” Workshop Report. Cornell Mui Ho Center for Cities, Ithaca, NY.
- N. Majmudar, J. Gbadamassi*, A. Raja , “U^2RPSA: Leveraging Unsupervised Learning for Water Main Decision Support“, Workshop on AI for Critical Infrastructure at The International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2024), Jeju, S. Korea, August 2024.
- N. Jia, A. Raja, R. Khatchadourian, “ReLESS: A Framework for Assessing Safety in Deep Learning Systems“, Workshop on AI Safety at The International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2024), Jeju, S. Korea, August 2024. (Nominated for Best Workshop Paper award)
- R.R. Khan, R.F. Guerrero, R.F., R.J. Wapner, M. W. Hahn, A. Raja, A. Salleb‑Aouissi, W.A. Grobman, H. Simhan, R. M. Silver, J. H. Chung, U. M. Reddy, P. Radivojac, I. Pe’er and D.M. Haas, “Genetic polymorphisms associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes in nulliparas.” Scientific Reports 14, 10514 (2024).
- A. Catto, N. Jia, A. Salleb-Aouissi, A. Raja, “M-DEW: Extending Dynamic Ensemble Weighting to Handle Missing Values”, arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.00182
- A.O. Clark-Sevilla, Y.C Lin, A. Saxena, Q. Yan, R. Wapner, A. Raja, I. Pe’er, A. Salleb-Aouissi, “Diving into CDC pregnancy data in the United States: longitudinal study and interactive application“. JAMIA Open. ;7(1):ooae024. doi: 10.1093/jamiaopen/ooae024, Mar, 2024.
- A. Bybordi, M. DiCicco*, A. Raja and A. Bazzan, “CHIDYN: a clustering-based hierarchical approach for dynamic traffic assignment“, Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 78, 2024 Pages 63-70.
- Anita Raja, Alisa Leshchenko*, Jihie Kim, “Leveraging Conflict to Bridge Cognitive Reasoning and Generative Algorithms“, Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI Fall Symposium on Integrating Cognitive Architectures and Generative Models, pp 391-395, Arlington, VA, USA, AAAI Press.
- Irene Tang, Daniel Mallia, Qi Yan, Itsik Pe’er, Anita Raja, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Ron Wapner, “ A Scoping Review of Preterm Birth Risk Factors“, American Journal of Perinatology, 2023 Sep 25. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-1775564.
- Qi Yan, Rafael Guerrero, Raiyan Khan, Andy Surujnarine, Ronald Wapner, Matthew Hahn, Anita Raja, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, William Grobman, Hyagriv Simhan, Nathan Blue, Robert Silver, Judith Chung, Uma Reddy, Predrag Radivojac, Itsik Pe’er, David Haas, “Searching and visualizing genetic associations of pregnancy traits by using GnuMoM2b”,Genetics. 2023 Oct 4;225(2):iyad151. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyad151.
- Raffi Khatchadourian, Tatiana Castro Vélez, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Nan Jia, and Anita Raja. Towards safe automated refactoring of imperative Deep Learning programs to graph execution. In International Conference on Automated Software Engineering NIER track, ASE ’23, pp 1800-1802, Kirchberg, Luxembourg, September 2023. IEEE/ACM. (25/70; 35.7% acceptance rate). To appear. [ bib | http ]
- Daniel Mallia, Masters Thesis, “Towards an Unsupervised Bayesian Network Pipeline for Explainable Prediction, Decision Making and Discovery” (2023). CUNY Academic Works. https://academicworks.cuny.edu/hc_sas_etds/978
- Yun C. Lin, Daniel Mallia, Andrea O. Clark-Sevilla, Adam Catto, Alisa Leshchenko, David M. Haas, Ronald Wapner, Itsik Pe’er, Anita Raja, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi: Preeclampsia Predictor with Machine Learning: A Comprehensive and Bias-Free Machine Learning Pipeline, medRxiv 2022.06.08.22276107.
- Catto, A. (2021). Hierarchical Model Transfer Methods for Ensemble Learning with Large Amounts of Missing Data. Master’s Thesis, Data Science M.S. Program, CUNY Graduate Center Department of Computer Science.
- Rafael F.Guerrero, Raiyan R. Khan, Ronald J.Wapner, Matthew W. Hahn, Anita Raja, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, William A. Grobman, Hyagriv Simhan, Robert Silver, Judith H. Chung, Uma M. Reddy, Predrag Radivojac, Itsik Pe’er, David M. Haas: Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Nulliparas. medRxiv 2022.02.28.22271641v1.
- Di Mei*, I-An Huang*, Anita Raja, Mohammad Rashedul Hasan & Ana L.C. Bazzan (2022): Traffic optimization using a coordinated route updating mechanism, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022 27:5, 626-642. DOI: 10.1080/15472450.2022.2074791 (Impact Factor: 4.277 (2020)).
- Tatiana Castro Vélez, Raffi Khatchadourian, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, and Anita Raja “Challenges in migrating imperative Deep Learning programs to graph execution: An empirical study.” In International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR ’22, pages 469–481. IEEE/ACM, IEEE, May 2022. (45/138; 32.6% acceptance rate).
- Yaroslava Shynkar*, Anita Raja, Ana Bazzan and Marin Marinov* “ Multiagent Meta-level Control for Adaptive Traffic Systems: A Case Study“, Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 62, 2022, Pages 236-244
- Anton Goretsky*, Anastasia Dmitrienko, Irene Tang, Nicolae Lari, Owen Kunhardt*, Raiyan Rashid Khan, Cassandra Marcussen, Adam Catto, Daniel Mallia, Alisa Leshchenko*, Adam (Yun Chao) Lin, Anita Raja, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Itsik Pe’er, Ronald Wapner, Cynthia Gyamfi-Bannerman, “ Data Preparation of the nuMoM2b Dataset” medRxiv 2021.08.24.21262142; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262142.
- Yiming Tang, Raffi Khatchadourian, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Rhia Singh*, Ajani Stewart*, and Anita Raja, “An Empirical Study of Refactorings and Technical Debt in Machine Learning systems”, In International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE ’21. A pages 238–250. IEEE/ACM, IEEE, May 2021. (138/615; 22% acceptance rate).
- Jongoh Jeong*, Do Hyung Kwon*, Min Joon So*, Anita Raja, Shivani Ghatge, Nicolae Lari, Ansaf Salleb Aouissi “Using Privileged Information to Improve Prediction in Health Data: A Case Study”,NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Information Theory and Machine Learning, Vancouver CA, Nov 2019.
- Mohammad Hasan, Anita Raja and Ana Bazzan, “A Context-Aware Convention Formation Framework for Large-Scale Networks”, Extended Abstract, Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2019), pp1533-1535.
- Mohammad Hasan, Anita Raja and Ana Bazzan, “A Context-Aware Convention Formation Framework for Large-Scale Networks“, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (March 2019), 33(1-2): pp 1-34 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10458-018-9397-9.
- Mohammad Hasan, Ana Bazzan, Eliyahu Friedman*, Anita Raja, “A Multiagent Solution to Overcome Selfish Routing In Transportation Networks“, Proceedings of the IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2016), Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Nov 1-3, 2016.
- Ilia Vovsha, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Anita Raja, Tom Koch, Alex Rybchuk*, Axinia Radeva, Ashwath Rajan,Yiwen Huang, Hatim Diab, Ashish Tomar and Ronald Wapner, “Using Kernel Methods and Model Selection for Prediction of Preterm Birth“, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 56:55-72, Presented at the 1st Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, August 19-20, 2016, Los Angeles, CA.
- Faiza Khattak, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Anita Raja, “Accurate Crowd-labeling using Item Response Theory”, Collective Intelligence, NYU Stern School of Business, NY June 2016.[CI_poster1]
- Anita Raja, Mohammad Hasan, Rob Flowe, Brendan Fernes, “Modeling Uncertainty and Its Implications in Complex Interdependent Networks“, Proceedings of Naval Postgraduate Schools 13th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, Monterey, CA, May 2016.
- Mohammad Hasan and Anita Raja “Establishing Cooperation in Highly-Connected Networks Using Altruistic Agents“, Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM Intelligent Agent Technology Conference 2015, December 6-9, 2015, Singapore.
- Mohammad Hasan, Anita Raja and Ana Bazzan “Fast Convention in Dynamic Networks using Topological Knowledge” Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15), pp 2067-2073, Jan 25-30, 2015, Austin, TX. (Acceptance Rate 26.67%)
- Mohammad Rashedul Hasan, Sherief Abdallah and Anita Raja, Topology Aware Convention Emergence, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014), pp. 1593-1594 May 5- 9, 2014, Paris, France.
- Anita Raja, Mohammad Hasan, Shalini Rajanna, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, “A Scalable Approach to Modeling Risk in the MDAP Network” Proceedings of Naval Postgraduate Schools 10th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, pp 293-318, Monterey, CA.
- Shanjun Cheng, Anita Raja and Linda Xie, “Dynamic Multi-agent Load Balancing Using Distributed Constraint Optimization Techniques”, Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal (WIAS),Vol.12, No.2, pp 111-138, IOS Press, Netherlands, 2014.
- IIia Vovsha, Ashwath Rajan, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Anita Raja, Axinia Radeva, Hatim Diab, Ashish Tomar and Ronald Wapner. “Predicting Preterm Birth is Not Elusive: Machine Learning Paves the Way to Individual Wellness” Technical Report Series for AAAI 2014 Spring Symposium on “Big data becomes personal: Knowledge into Meaning” pp 82-89, March, 2014, Stanford, CA.
Ilia Vovsha, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Axinia Radeva, Hatim Diab, Ashish Tomar, Anita Raja, Ronald Wapner, Mary McCord, Tara Randis. “Machine Learning Approaches for Prediction of Preterm Birth” at the Columbia University Institute for Data Sciences and Engineering (IDSE) Inaugural Symposium – “From Big Data to Big Ideas” April 5, 2013. [PDF] [ Poster]
- Mohammad Rashedul Hasan and Anita Raja, Emergence of Multiagent Coalition by Leveraging Complex Network Dynamics, Proceedings of AAMAS 2013 Fifth International Workshop on Emergent Intelligence on Networked Agents (WEIN’13), pp 9-23, May 6-10, 2013, St. Paul, Minnesota.
- Shanjun Cheng, Anita Raja and Victor Lesser, Using Conflict Resolution to Inform Decentralized Learning” Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2013), pp 893-900, May 6-10, 2013, St. Paul, Minnesota. (Acceptance Rate 23%).
- Shanjun Cheng, Anita Raja and Victor Lesser, “Multiagent Meta-level Control for Radar Coordination”, In Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal (WIAS),Vol.11, No.2, pp 81-105, IOS Press, Netherlands, 2013.
- Anita Raja, Mohammad Rashedul Hasan, Shalini Rajanna, Ansaf Salleb-Aoussi, “Leveraging Structural Characteristics of Interdependent Networks to Model Nonlinear Cascading Risks“, Proceedings of Naval Postgraduate Schools 10th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, pp 137-152. Monterey, CA.
- Anita Raja, Catriona Kennedy and Roger Hurwitz, “Socially Intelligent Agents to support Ethical Decision-making“, Short paper in Proceedings of AAMAS 2012 First International Workshop on Human-Agent Interaction Design and Models, pp 123-130, Valencia Spain, June 2012
- Anita Raja, Rashedul Hasan and Maureen Brown, “Facilitating Decision Choices with Cascading Consequences in Interdependent Networks”, Proceedings of Naval Postgraduate Schools 9th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, May 16-17, pp197-220, Monterey, CA, May 2012.
- Doug Riecken, Anita Raja, Rebecca J. Passonneau, and David L. Waltz. “SNARE: Social Network Analysis and Reasoning Environment”. Proceedings of AAAI 2012 Spring Symposium in AI, The Fundamental Social Aggregation Challenge, and the Autonomy of Hybrid Agent Groups, pp 42-48, March 2012, Stanford, CA.
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- Michael T. Cox and Anita Raja, Metareasoning: Thinking about thinking. MIT Press, Cambridge, M.A. (ISBN-10 0-262-01480-7).
- Anita Raja, Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 8, Cognitive Science: An Interactive Approach, Paula Goolkasian, (Ed.), National Social Science Press, El Cajon, CA, 2011.
- Michael T. Cox and Anita Raja, “Metareasoning: An Introduction”, In Metareasoning: Thinking about Thinking, M. Cox & A. Raja, (Ed.). MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, pp 3-14, March 2011.
- George Alexander, Anita Raja, and David Musliner, “Controlling Deliberation in Coordinators”, In Metareasoning: Thinking about Thinking, M. Cox & A. Raja, (Ed.). MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, pp 59-76, March 2011.
- Anita Raja, George Alexander, Victor Lesser and Michael Krainin. Coordinating Agent’s Metalevel Control, In Metareasoning: Thinking about Thinking, M. Cox & A. Raja, (Ed.). MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, pp 201-216, March 2011.
- Paula Goolkasian, Ted Carmichael, Marvin Croy, Mark Faust, Boyd Davis, Heather Lipford, Mirsad Hadzikadic, Anita Raja, and Lori Van Wallendael, Cognitive Science: An Interactive Approach, 2011, National Social Science Press
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- Shanjun Cheng, Anita Raja, Linda Xie, Ivan Howitt, “DLB-SDPOP: A Multiagent Pseudo-tree Repair Algorithm for Load Balancing in WLANs” In Proceedings of2010 IEEE/ WIC/ ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT-2010) , pp 311-318, Toronto, Canada (Acceptance Rate 18.8%, Received Best Paper Award).
- Shanjun Cheng, Anita Raja and Victor Lesser, “Multiagent Meta-level Control for a Network of Weather Radars ” In Proceedings of 2010 IEEE/ WIC/ ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT-2010) , pp 157-164, Toronto, Canada. (Acceptance Rate 18.8%).
- Jia Yue, Anita Raja and Bill Ribarsky “Predictive Analytics Using a Blackboard-based Reasoning Agent” Short Paper in Proceedings of 2010 IEEE/ WIC/ ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT-2010) , pp 97-100, Toronto, Canada. (Acceptance Rate 22.9%).
- Shanjun Cheng, Anita Raja and Victor Lesser, “Multiagent Meta-level Control for Predicting Meteorological Phenomena” In Proceedings of AAAI-2010 Workshop on Metareasoning in Robust Social Systems, pp 6-13. Atlanta, GA.
- Shanjun Cheng, Anita Raja and Victor Lesser, “Towards Multiagent Meta-level Control” In Proceedngs of AAAI-2010, Student Abstract and Poster Program, pp. 1925-1926, Atlanta, GA.
- Mary M. Brown,, Robert Flowe and Anita Raja, ” Acquisition Risks in a World of Joint Capabilities” Proceedings of Naval Postgraduate Schools 7th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, May 12-13, Monterey, CA.
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- Shanjun Cheng, Anita Raja, Linda Xie, Ivan Howitt “A Distributed Constraint Optimization Algorithm for Dynamic Load Balancing in WLANs“. Proceedings of Eleventh International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning to be held in conjunction with IJCAI 2009, pp 31-45, Pasadena CA.
- Ashok Goel, Emile Morse, Anita Raja, Jean Scholtz, John Stasko “Introspective Self-Explanations for Report Generation in Intelligence Analysis“. Proceedings of IJCAI-2009 workshop on Explanation-Aware Computing, Pasadena, California, July 11-12, 2009.
- Anita Raja, Michael Barley and Shelley Xiaoqin Zhang,owards Safe Coordination in MultiAgent Systems“. Proceedings of LNAI Hot Topics : Safety and Security in Multiagent systems: The Early Years, pp: 1-7, volume 4324, editors: M. Barley, H. Mouratidis, A. Unruh , D. Spears, P. Scerri, F. Massacci, 2009.
- Anita Raja and Michael Klibanov, “A Distributed Numerical Approach for Managing Uncertainty in Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems” Proceedings of LNAI HotTopics Safety and Security in Multiagent systems: The Early Years, pp: 75-84, volume 4324, editors: M. Barley, H. Mouratidis, A. Unruh , D. Spears, P. Scerri, F. Massacci, 2009.
- Jia Yue, Anita Raja, Dingxiang Liu, Xiaoyu Wang, William Ribarsky “A Blackboard-based Approach towards Predictive Analytics“, Proceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium on Technosocial Predictive Analytics, pp 154-161, Stanford University, CA, March 23-25, 2009.
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- Dingxiang Liu, Jia Yue, Xiaoyu Wang, Anita Raja, William Ribarsky “The Role of Blackboard-based Reasoning and Visual Analytics in RESIN’s Predictive Analysis“, Proceedings of 2008 IEEE/ WIC/ ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2008), pp 508-511, Sydney, Dec 9-12, 2008.Extended version is CVC Technical Report CVC-UNC Charlotte-08-29, July 2008 .
- Anita Raja and Victor Lesser. “Coordinating Agents’ Meta-level Control“, Proceedings of AAAI 2008 Workshop on Metareasoning: Thinking about Thinking, pp 106-112, Chicago, IL. July 2008.
- Michael Cox and Anita Raja, “Metareasoning: A Manifesto“, Proceedings of AAAI 2008 Workshop on Metareasoning: Thinking about Thinking, pp 1-4, Chicago, IL. July 2008.
- Jiang Xie, Ivan Howitt, and Anita Raja, “A Framework for Decentralized Wireless LAN Resource Management”, Chapter 2 of Emerging Wirelesss LANs, Wireless PANs, and Wireless MANs: IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15, 802.16 Wireless Standard Family, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 27-64, April 2009
- George Alexander, Anita Raja, and David Musliner, “Controlling Deliberation in a Markov Decision Process-Based Agent” Proceedings of the Seventh International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS08), pp 461-468, Estoril, Portugal, May 12-16, 2008 (22% acceptance rate).
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- Dingxiang Liu, Anita Raja, and Jayasri Vaidyanath, “TIBOR: A Resource-bounded Information Foraging Agent for Visual Analytics” Proceedings of 2007 IEEE/ WIC/ ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2007), pp 349-355, Silicon Valley, CA, Nov 2-5, 2007. Also Charlotte Visualization Center Technical Report CVC-UNC Charlotte-07-04. (20% acceptance rate)
- Anita Raja and Victor Lesser, “A Framework for Meta-level Control in Multi-Agent Systems” In Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Vol.15, Number 2, pp 147-196, October 2007, DOI 10.1007/s10458‑006‑9008-z, [URL].
- George Alexander, Anita Raja, Ed Durfee and David Musliner, “Design Paradigms for Meta-Control in Multi-Agent Systems” Proceedings of AAMAS 2007 Workshop on Metareasoning in Agent-based Systems, pp 92-103, Hawaii, May 2007.
- Anita Raja and Ashok Goel, “Introspective Self-Explanation in Analytical Agents“, Proceedings of AAMAS 2007 Workshop on Metareasoning in Agent-based Systems, pp 76-91, Hawaii, May 2007.
- Jiang Xie, Ivan Howitt, and Anita Raja, “Cognitive Radio Resource Management Using Multi-Agent Systems,” Proceedings of First IEEE Workshop on Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN 2007), in conjunction with IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2007), 2007.
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- George Alexander, Anita Raja “The Role of Problem Classification in Online Meta-Cognition“, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE/ WIC/ ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2006), pp 218-225, Hongkong, China, December 2006. (25% acceptance rate)
- Thomas A. Wagner, Anita Raja, Victor R. Lesser, “Modeling Uncertainty and its Implications to Sophisticated Control in TAEMS Agents” Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Vol 13, Number 3, November 2006, PP 235-292, DOI 10.1007/s10458‑006‑7669-2.
- Wei-ning Xiang, William J. Tolone, Anita Raja, David Wilson, Qianhong Tang, Kelli McWilliams, Robert McNally Mining Critical Infrastructure Information from Municipality Data Sets: A Knowledge-driven approach and its applications. Chapter 14 in Emerging Spatial Information Systems and Applications by Brian Hilton, Idea Group Publishing, 2006, pp 310-326.
- Anita Raja, George Alexander, Verghese Mappillai “Leveraging Problem Classification in Online Meta-Cognition“, Proceedings of AAAI 2006 Spring Symposium on Distributed Plan and Schedule Management, pp 97-104, Stanford, CA, March 2006.
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- Ivan Howitt, John Stamper, Anita Raja, Verghese Mappillai Predictive Protocol Management with Contingency Planning for Wireless Sensor Networks.Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems MASS 2005, p 160-162.
- Qianhong Tang, Wei-ning Xiang, William J. Tolone, Anita Raja, David Wilson, Kelli McWilliams,Robert McNally, (2005). A Knowledge-Driven Method for Critical Infrastructure Information Mining. Association of American Geographers 101st Annual Meeting, April 5-9, 2005, Denver, CO.
- Wei-ning Xiang, William J. Tolone, Anita Raja, David Wilson, Qianhong Tang, Kelli McWilliams, Robert McNally, Mining Critical Infrastructure Information from Municipality Data Sets: A Knowledge Driven approach and its Applications. Auto-Carto 2005, Las Vegas, March 18-23rd, 2005.
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- V. Lesser, K. Decker, T. Wagner, N. Carver, A. Garvey, B. Horling, D. Neiman, R. Podorozhny, M. NagendraPrasad, A. Raja, R. Vincent, P. Xuan, X.Q. Zhang. Evolution of the GPGP/TAEMS Domain-Independent Coordination Framework. In Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. 9 (1-2): 87-143, July – September, 2004.
- Anita Raja and Victor Lesser. Meta-level Reasoning in Deliberative Agents. In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2004). Beijing, China, September 2004. pp 141-147. Best Paper Finalist (One of 3 finalists) (16% acceptance rate).
- William J. Tolone, David Wilson, Anita Raja, Wei-ning Xiang, E. Wray Johnson. Applying Cougaar to Integrated Critical Infrastructure Modeling and Simulation.Proceedings of First Open Cougaar Conference, New York City, July 2004.
- William J. Tolone, David Wilson, Anita Raja, Wei-ning Xiang, Huili Hao, Stuart Phelps, E. Wray Johnson. Critical Infrastructure Integration Modeling and Simulation Proceedings of 2nd Symposium in Intelligence and Security Informatics, Tucson, Arizona, June 2004.
- Anita Raja and Victor Lesser. Reasoning about Coordination Costs in Resource-Bounded Multi-Agent Systems. In Proceedings of AAAI 2004 Spring Symposium on Bridging the multiagent and multirobotic research gap, Stanford, CA, March 2004, Pages 35-40.
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- Anita Raja and Victor Lesser. Meta-level Control in Multi-Agent Systems. Proceedings of AAAI/KDD/UAI-2002 Joint Workshop on Real-Time Decision Support and Diagnosis Systems, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. July 2002.
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- Victor Lesser, Bryan Horling, Frank Klassner, Anita Raja, Thomas Wagner, Shelley XQ. Zhang. BIG: An Agent for Resource-Bounded Information Gathering and Decision Making“ Artificial Intelligence, 2000 Special Issue entitled ‘Internet Applications’., May-2000, vol 118, issue 1-2 , pages 197-244. A version is also available as UMASS CS TR#1998-52
- Anita Raja, Victor Lesser and Thomas Wagner. Toward Robust Agent Control in Open Environments. Proceedings of Autonomous Agents 2000, Barcelona, Spain, Also UMASS CS Tech Report 1999-59 (Acceptance rate 24%)
- XiaoQuin Zhang, Anita Raja, Barbara Lerner, Victor Lesser, Leon Osterweil and Thomas Wagner. Integrating High-Level and Detailed Agent Coordination into a Layered Architecture. Workshop Notes on MAS Infrastructure and Requirements, Autonomous Agents 2000, Barcelona, Spain. Also UMass Computer Science Technical Report 1999-029.
- Victor Lesser, Bryan Horling, Anita Raja, Thomas Wagner, Shelley XQ. Zhang. Resource-Bounded Searches in a Information Marketplace. IEEE Internet Computing, Agents on the Net , Mar/Apr 2000. Vol 4, Number 2. , p 49-58.
- Anita Raja, Thomas Wagner and Victor Lesser. Reasoning about Uncertainty in Design-to-Criteria Scheduling. Proceedings of AAAI 2000 Spring Symposium on Real-Time Autonomous Systems, Stanford, CA, March 2000.
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- Victor Lesser, Bryan Horling, Frank Klassner, Anita Raja, Thomas Wagner, Shelley XQ. Zhang. Recent Extensions to BIG: A Resource-Bounded Information Gathering System. Proceedings of AAAI Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems, Orlando, FL. July 1999. Also UMass Technical Report 1999-013.
- Victor Lesser, Michael Atighetchi, Brett Benyo, Bryan Horling, Anita Raja, Regis Vincent, Thomas Wagne r, Ping Xuan, and Shelley XQ-Zhang. “The Intelligent Home Testbed“, Proceedings of Autonomous Agents 1999 Workshop on Autonomy Control Software , Seattle, WA, June 1999.
- Victor Lesser, Michael Atigetchi, Brett Benyo, Bryan Horling, Anita Raja, Regis Vincent,Thomas Wagner, Ping Xuan, Shelley XQ. Zhang, “The UMASS Intelligent Home Project“, Proceedings of Autonomous Agents 99, Seattle, WA, Spring 1999. (Acceptance rate 29%).
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- Victor Lesser, Bryan Horling, Frank Klassner, Anita Raja, Thomas Wagner,Shelley XQ. Zhang. “BIG: A Resource-Bounded Information Gathering Agent“, Proceedings of AAAI-98, pages 539-546, Madison, WI, July 1 998, also UMASS Computer Science Technical Report 1998-003. (Acceptance rate 30%).
- Victor Lesser, Bryan Horling, Frank Klassner, Anita Raja, Thomas Wagner, Shelley XQ. Zhang. “A Resource-Bounded Interpretation-Centric Approach to Information Gathering”, Research Overview, Proceedings of AAAI-98 Workshop on Information Integration, Madison, WI, July 1998.
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- M. Cox & A. Raja, (2007). Metareasoning: A manifesto. BBN Technical Memo TM-2028. Cambridge, M.A.: BBN Technologies.
- Ivan Howitt, Anita Raja, James Conrad, Jose Gutierrez and Kaushal Shah “Predictive Protocol Management with Contingency Analysis for Wireless Sensor Networks”, UNC Charlotte technical report, November 2004.
- Victor Lesser, Michael Atigetchi, Brett Benyo, Bryan Horling, Anita Raja, Regis Vincent,Thomas Wagner, Ping Xuan, Shelley XQ. Zhang A Multi-Agent System for Intelligent Environment Control, UMASS Computer Science Technical Report 1998-XX October, 1998.
- Anita Raja, Contingency Analysis in the Design-to-Criteria Scheduler , Master’s Thesis, 1998.
- Anita Raja, Victor Lesser and Thomas Wagner A more complex view of schedule uncertainty based on contingency analysis, UMASS Computer Science Technical Report 1998-004.
- Victor Lesser, Bryan Horling, Frank Klassner, Anita Raja, Thomas Wagner,Shelley XQ. Zhang, Information Gathering as a Resource Bounded Interpretation Task. UMASS Computer Science Technical Report 1997-034.
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